Josh Foer visits the Goualougo Triangle
- Maya’s sweet success!
- A Decade Strong
- Spending time with Goualougo Gorillas
- Congrats to Crepin Eyana Ayina!
- Thanks Ian!
- Josh Foer visits the Goualougo Triangle
- Jean Robert Onononga presents at the International Society of Primatology
- Goualougo’s Tool Using Apes on Ants
- Congratulations Jean Robert!
- A day spent with Dorothy and baby Oz
- Focusing on Health
- Leakey grows up
- The Color of Money
- Congratulations Sydney!
- Identify this moth?
- Ambassador visits Goualougo
- Transect Team Success!
- Sydney at the Royal Botanical Garden
- GTAP in National Geographic magazine
- Origins of Deadliest Strain of Human Malaria Discovered
- Goualougo Apes in BBC Africa Series
- BBC Documentary highlights “Fire of the Chimpanzee”
- Great Apes and FSC
- Brazzaville Ape Meeting
Josh Foer visits the Goualougo Triangle

In April 2008, Joshua Foer (a writer on assignment for National Geographic Magazine) visited the Goualougo Triangle Ape Project. We were hoping that Josh might have the opportunity to observe some of the unique tool using behavior of these apes. During one of our last days in the forest with him, Josh observed a young female pounding for honey. While she did not obtain much honey, she did use eight different tools, showing Joshua just how persistent chimpanzees can be when trying to get at this food resource. Josh’s article in National Geographic magazine is scheduled for December 2008 and will accompany photographs by Ian Nichols.